There has been great discussion of what athletes should do now that the district has invested in the upgrade of our fitness centers at the high school campus. As your cross country coaches, we have taken all angles into consideration for why the new Applied PE course is a plus for students. Please note some of the things Coach Franklin and I have discussed regarding this excellent new course offering for student athletes. Please also read to the end of this so you can FULLY understand how we feel this impacts cross country, specifically:
The Applied PE course, (as Coach Clarey understands it), will be for juniors and seniors who are participating in an "in season" sport at KHS. During this course, athletes would be doing sport specific conditioning activities, like prescribed core fitness exercises, weight lifting, and cardio training, designed by the coach as it pertains to their sport. Coaches will likely develop lesson plans and or workouts which the instructors would likely maintain coordination of in their jurisdiction as the teachers of the class.
The Applied PE course would likely take the place of our after practice work we do in the weight room, wrestling room, or out in the grass. There are some student athletes who might need to leave practices at 5:15pm in order to work, or attend another commitment; and we can see the advantages for these older athletes to have this class as a means to meet their core strength goals for training. However, this is also a crucial time where our team is together to learn from one another, and from the coaching staff. You've all been through a season of cross country at this point. Can you imagine what it might be like without that core fitness component as a team? Or the days without weights, teammates, quick meetings, and chocolate milk? Seniors in particular utilize this time to develop their own leadership skills, to connect with the younger runners, and help them learn and appreciate the rigors of our sport in a personal way. Coaches use this time to do the same thing .
The alternative to Applied PE would be to take a PE Waiver. In doing so, an upperclassman could then take an extra class in an elective that he may need. If dual credit courses are available at Kaneland HS, this is an excellent opportunity to enroll in one and get credit at the high school AND collegiate level. Imagine getting an A in a dual credit course, and starting college with a 4.0 GPA already on the books! Because you are getting your physical education component completed as an athlete, you are giving yourself the gift of time to pick up an extra class in a foreign language, or English, math or the arts. As coaches, looking at your future, we like this opportunity for you, as much or more than taking the Applied PE credit.
The choice is absolutely YOUR decision. We know that you and your family are taking all the angles on this same subject at home. Please consider the details above as a quick snapshot of what the whole could entail. As coaches, we enjoy the time spent with you in the weight room, up in the wrestling room, and out on the lawn doing our core. It is an essential piece to what makes our team a family, because we all get to be together in one place, not spread out across campus. It's not unlike the family eating at the dinner table.
If you have any questions about dual credit classes, Applied PE, or PE Waivers, please contact Coach Franklin or your guidance counselor for details. We will help you with any of these choices as you move forward in scheduling your coursework for next fall.
Miss you guys. Keep in touch.
Your Coaches