On Friday, the team met a remarkable young girl named Makinlee Thomas. She's nine years old, and the daughter of a Kaneland Knight. Since March of 2020, she's been faced with something far scarier than perhaps the rest of us with the COVID-19 virus. She told her story of how she is living her best life as a fourth grader, also competing as a gymnast. Her Cystic Fibrosis (CF) diagnosis has her taking a minimum 60 minutes each day for breathing treatments, along with 40+ pills, in order to stay "in the game of life."
Our seniors want the team to do something to help support Makinlee and her family. Please use the links below to learn a little about "Mak," and to help us support her. She was the 2019 ambassador for the Chicagoland chapter of the Great Strides Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Your donations will make a difference for the 30,000 Americans diagnosed with CF. Next week, we will be running all of our "Miles for Makinlee." Please consider sponsoring your son, and making connections with others, to raise awareness to our drive, and ultimately to the Thomas family.
Please use the following links to help better understand this drive to support "Mak" and others with CF. We are most grateful for your consideration and help. In a year where we cannot get into other places (Marklund Home, local road races, FMSC) to help work on our goals of humble service to others, this was one endeavor our seniors asked to commit to this fall.
Get to know Makinlee Thomas - Meet our new friend, Mak
What is this "Miles for Makinlee" - Coach explains the "why"
How do I support her Team? - Directions for the website below, to make your donations
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