Keeping an eye on the skies all day, it looks at this point like we can start packing the cars to go down to Silver Springs. We will meet in the area where the bus picks us up for away meets. Those who live in Sugar Grove can meet at the BP gas station around 9:25. We can caravan through and meet you there.
In the event that we need to break camp due to storms, prior to 5:00, we will be served dinner by Mr. Johnson and Mr. Pollastrini (among others) up at Kaneland High School. There, we will also complete our team baggo competition. (This is not THE baggo tournament that people should be signing up for...)
Check in on this blog, and also watch for messages from texts today, so that you are up to date on our plans. STUDENTS MAY DRIVE down this year, if that helps some of you. It can help us leave in a more timely manner, should storms roll through. Given the power of some recent storms, we are not taking any chances. We can accomplish all that we need to, through the runs and activities, without the overnight, if necessary.
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