We have some memorable, necessary, and a few FUN events coming up for Kaneland XC Families.
Please see below, mark your calendars, and join us as much as you are able.
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 -KXC Families Work the Booster Barn at the football game. Please use this LINK TO SIGN UP for a time slot. Between both boys and girls programs, we hope to fill this quickly.
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 - KXC Family Picnic in Henry, after the races in Peoria. Please check out this LINK TO DETAILS for the family picnic after our races at the First to the Finish meet. This will be a boys only meet, and each grade level has something to cover for the meal.
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 - KXC Family Gathering for Memorial and Eddington Volunteer Meeting. Please plan on attending a meeting starting at 5:55pm to discuss details on hosting our Eddington Invitational. A link to sign up for your spot on the course or with other jobs that day will be coming to this web log soon.
***Dinner at Schmidt's in Elburn afterward for any KXC parents interested in joining friends for food.
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 - Eddington Invitational at Kaneland HS. Please remember to get signed up on our Google Doc (coming soon) to lock down a great role at the meet.
***THAT NIGHT.... join Coach Clarey and others for the Steven W. Chidester Scholarship Fund Raiser at The Pub in Maple Park. We will celebrate the life of a former KXC runner and have 50/50 raffle chances as well as auction items that benefit a scholarship to a Kaneland XC runner (awarded in May). This is a great night out with live music, friends, and fun. This event starts at 5pm. Coach will get there closer to 7. Come when you can, if you are able. It's a really fun night.
If you have any questions about any of these events, please contact Coach Clarey
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