Welcome to Kaneland Cross Country!

The purpose of this blog site is to allow full access to the team, practices, history, and future events. Please check back with this blog throughout the summer and fall for new updates on the team. Feel free to share it with friends and family who follow the program!

Saturday, June 29, 2019

On Your Own Challenges: Fireworks Week Edition

Fireworks Week: On Your Own Challenges

The idea is to continue your training so that you’re ready to go on July 8. Between now and then, try to complete some of these On Your Own Challenges. These #OYOChallenges have been modified and adapted from a list that another local high school is going to attempt. Your goal is to complete as many of these challenges as possible, and document them with this sheet. Runners who complete ten of these challenges in the 9 days we have away from one another (6/29 to 7/7), and document them, will receive their choice of KXC shirt.

**Use social media to promote your endeavors by tagging Coach Clarey on Twitter @coachclarey and also add #OYOChallenges on the Tweet. Or use kanelandxc on Instagram

  1. Attend the Saturday Morning Breakfast Run @ Stuart Park on 6/29. 
  2.       Go on a run with someone who is not in your usual training group.
  3. Go on a run at sunrise.
  4. Go on a run with an alumni of KXC.
  5. Go on a run with a member of the opposite gender XC team.
  6. Go on a run in a Kane County Forest Preserve.
  7. Go on a run in a forest preserve/park of another county or state.
  8. Complete a surge run where you run 3 minutes easy, then surge hard for 15 seconds, and repeat ten times (3 easy, :15 hard, 3 easy, :15 hard, etc).
  9. Complete two long runs per the pink sheet of training.
  10. Run to a restaurant for a meal (get a ride home).
  11. Go on a run and say “good morning” to every person you see (wear your Kaneland shirt! Good PR).
  12. Make a shirt that says “Honk if you like running!” and wear it on your run.
  13. Wear something unique for your run (costume, silly hat, pajamas, etc.).
  14. Go on a run with a family member.
  15. “Stars and Stripes” run on July 4th. Show your enthusiasm for our Independence Day.
  16. Do a 5K road race.
  17. Run somewhere you never have run before (don’t get lost!)
  18. Go on a run where you pass two different public playgrounds.
  19. Run by a different local high school. All you do is run… nothing else.
  20. Go for a run in the rain (no lightning).


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